Coronavirus en Ibiza: Cuarto día consecutivo sin nuevos casos de coronavirus en Ibiza y Formentera En estos momentos, hay 37 positivos activos en las Pitiüses
La UCI del Hospital Can Misses, en Ibiza. Asef.
Las Pitiusas registran hoy su cuarto día consecutivo sin nuevos contagios, según los datos actualizados facilitados hoy por el Área de Salud de Ibiza y Formentera. En estos momentos, la cifra de casos activos asciende a37, de los cuales dos corresponden a pacientes de Formentera. Además, se cumplen 24 días sin ingresos en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) del Hospital Can Misses.
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Wood fired oven pizza
I first experienced the amazing versatility and cooking capabilities of wood fired ovens on my travels in Italy and I’ve been in love with them ever since.
Me and my team here are all wood fired oven fanatics because we believe they really can make your lives and cooking more enjoyable. From the incredible texture and flavours you get from cooking next to the wood, to the fun events they inspire you to have.
Try our pizza dishes with authentical italian flavour here at LemonChili.
Hope to see you soon.
We don’t just buy and sell wines, we make them happen.
Together with our customers, we invest in independent winemakers from around the world, in return for exclusive wines at preferential prices.
The wines taste fantastic because our winemakers can focus on pouring all their time and passion into making great wines, without compromise. And our customers are rewarded with delicious wines unavailable anywhere else, for far less than they’d normally pay.
Check out our Summer Dining wine recommendations.